Basics 1H - Hash
This is a carousel that uses the hash parameter in the URL (e.g., basic1h.html#2) to turn to a specific side. This is useful for accessibility and for bookmarking a page to load the appropriate side.
Like previous carousels, we need to initialize it. But in this case, we'll assign it to a variable (i.e., pc) for easy reference.
// Initialize carousel
var pc = Panther.Carousel;
id: 'carousel1',
backgroundColor: 'rgba(209, 209, 209, 0.9)'
To get the hash value, we use the browser's location.hash property and the Carousel turnTo method.
// Handle page load
var side = location.hash.substr(1);
if (side) {
pc.turnTo('carousel1', side);
The above step handles the intial page load, but to handle any URL changes, we need to add a hashchange event.
// Handle hash changes
window.addEventListener('hashchange', function (ev) {
var parts = ev.newURL.split('#');
var side = parts[1];
pc.turnTo('carousel1', side);
}, false);